Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Life Alert News: SIZE MATTERS among other things when shopping for a medical alert system.

By. Heidi Nestor, writer & editor for Life Alert.

If you have an elderly family member who is left alone often, one of the surest ways to get peace of mind back in your life is through a medical alert system that will send help fast, 24/7, at the push of a button. If you’re not sure what to look for, here are few tips to consider.

Would you rent an apartment without a contract? Of course not. The reason being is without that contract stating that you only need to pay a certain amount monthly, your landlord could raise the rent at any time to any price. “Contract” isn’t a dirty word. On the contrary, a contract is your protection.

Some companies promote “no contracts”, but there's no point in purchasing a medical alert system with a company that's not going to be as invested in you as you are in them. If you have a contract with a company they must uphold their commitment to you. A contract is your price protection so you’re guarantee a fixed cost and the company can not raise their monthly charge, or implement hidden fees like other businesses do without contracts.

Base Unit verses Speaker phone:
SIZE DOES MATTER, at least in the medical alert industry. And this is an area where smaller is better. Some medical alert pendants are waterproof whereas others emphasize having a speaker phone built into the pendant making communication 2-Way. Don’t be fooled by this kind of advertising because base unit pendants communicate 2-Way, as well.

Unfortunately, the speaker phone pendant is large, heavy and bulky due to the mechanics inside the pendant. This can make it too tedious to wear all the time, especially when sleeping. Moreover, it really doesn’t make much of a fashion statement as the speaker phone pendant is quite visible and can’t easily be tucked into a shirt.

Whereas, a base unit emergency pendant has the communication devices built into the monitor, not the pendant, making the pendant easier to wear either around the neck or wrist, on a belt, or tucked into a shirt. Moreover, because it is small and lightweight, a person can wear it all the time comfortably, even when sleeping or showering.

Water Resistant vs. Water Proof:
The bathroom is one of main areas where the elderly are most vulnerable. Therefore, it’s imperative that an emergency response pendant be able to work where moisture, humidity, and heavy water flow occurs.

A medical alert product that is water resistant means if it gets wet, it can resist the moisture. So, if you’re washing your hands and some water gets on the medical alert device it won’t short it out. However, if it’s submerged the water can still penetrate and ruin the product. Some companies may promote that you can bathe or shower with their water resistant system but you may want to really check the fine print to verify that the item will still work if it gets submerged in a bath.

Whereas, Water Proof means it’s impervious to water and can be submerged. Life Alert’s pendant and watch are water proof giving you the freedom to shower or bathe, and knowing that if you slip - help is just as button push away.

Would you buy an unfamiliar brand of automobile from an unknown dealership that just popped up over night? I hope not. Most likely you would research that dealership as well as the make, model and year of the vehicle you’re interested in before making any purchases. Generally, the same reasons why you would do this research are the same reasons why you need to research to find which personal protection company is best for you. It all comes down to trust and safety.

You want to make sure this is a known and reputable business you can trust. Just as your life is in the hands of an automobile and its maker, the life of your elderly loved one is being put in the hands of a personal protection company.

So when it comes to choosing the right medical alert system for your elder, make sure the company has a contract that works for you, the pendant is small enough to wear comfortably while sleeping or bathing, and most importantly, make sure you know and trust the company.

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